Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'd say we make a dang cute couple..

 Guys Kimbry did such a good job on our engagements. I loved it. 
We had a blast taking these, and we love every single one!!
Some of these should be ones that aren't on facebook. So They're a little random. 

 This boy is my best friend. My everything.
 Being around him is like being complete!!

We never stop having fun together. Really. 
 Haha. I love him!

 This is just him keeping me warm. And looking good.

 Forever. [:

 I was quite terrified. He was excited. haha.

 You had to be there... haha
And this is just to show you how cute we looked haha!. We're awesome. 

Weddings are stressful and hard. But we are forever and everything about us is simple. 
So. It'll be worth it.!