Friday, August 16, 2013

Small Update

We have been enjoying our little break here in Rexburg.
Garth enjoys his job and gets to make his own hours, and his detailing business has been doing really well. They've had a lot of cars this break--which makes him happy of course.
I, being graduated, and full term have been trying to distract myself. Pregnancy goes so fast while you're in school. I've been doing photography and photo editing tutorials. I'm currently teaching myself how to crochet. I've sewn a little here and there and I've read a couple of books already. Garth and I go walk between 2-3.5 miles every night and thats my favorite part of the day because we get to talk AND there's air conditioning. [:

My mom has been in town twice now. She came for graduation and helped me finish all the things I needed before the baby arrived, and then she came back with my older sister because they went and visited our family in Boise and then just came down here for a couple days. It was fun seeing Paris. She's growing so fast! Close to saying "mom" and says "heyyyy!" a lot but has no idea she's saying anything, she just imitates Anna. She's such a happy baby it was fun to get to play with her and see her crawling around now!

So here's an update on pregnancy:

   About 2 or 3 weeks ago I started getting itchy. I thought it was just because my skin was irritated from stretching but then I got swollen little bumps everywhere. Turns out I have PUPPP which is a pregnancy related rash that affects about 1 in every 200 pregnant women. Lucky us. Its most common in first time mothers carrying boys. There's no "prevention" if you're going to get it, you get it. The unfortunate thing is there is also no cure except birth, and nothing you can do to prevent spreading. I have been fortunate that it hasn't spread much but the itching is pretttttty intense sometimes. So that kind of fueled my impatience because the sooner I get this baby out... the less my rash can spread.
We went in for my 38 week appt and mentally I had told myself I needed to make it to 39 weeks before I let myself get impatient. However, my doctor felt otherwise lol. My doctor started to explain that with my PUPPP, the throwing up and still need for medicine, and other things that it would probably be better for me to have my baby sooner than later. He then suggested that he could strip my membranes that day. I was shocked and totally unprepared for this so I asked a bunch of questions about the baby's health and size and I felt fine with going ahead with it.
SO I was 1cm dilated 80% effaced and he stripped my membranes (which was painful) and said "If it works it usually takes affect within the next 48 hours" Garth and I looked at each other like "WHAT? We are going to have our baby that soon??" We knew it doesn't always work but its kind of crazy to think about being parents so we were a little excited.
I had some cramping and my belly was really tight for the rest of the day. We came home made sure the bag was all packed and headed to idaho falls to have a normal day and try not to think about it. We walked the mall, we ran some errands, and we went to Olive Garden on a date (thank you Auntie Di for the giftcard!). Around 2:30pm at Olive Garden all the excitement of the morning was starting to ware off and we both just wanted to crash. We decided to go home and take a nap. That night we walked two miles and stayed up late watching "White Collar". It would have been the perfect day to go into labor right? Wrong. Haha we definitely tried NOT to have our hopes up, but how could we not?
Since then I've had many "signs" of progression and I get annoyed at how attentive I am to my body because labor could still be so far away!
I'm 39 weeks now and yesterday I was 100% effaced cervix is fully lowered and in "perfect labor position" baby's head is engaged but still just 1 cm dilated. He did strip my membranes again which was completely painless this time, but we had no hopes this time for it working. I made my doctor guess and he guesses next Tuesday or Wednesday. I guess that I'm going to go a few days past my due date--but we shall see.
The waiting game continues and oh how I hate it. I get so many texts or comments about how I am STILL pregnant?! And everyone keeps telling Camden he better hurry up. But I like to think that HE is ready. We are both just patiently waiting on my body to get with the program [:
Probably him more patiently than me..
Lucky for me I have a patient husband who puts up with my constant complaining of "I don't want to do this anymore and I don't even have a choice!!" --we all have our weak moments [:

Here's to hoping for a smooth healthy delivery! Wish us luck.

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