Monday, September 9, 2013

What I've learned about being a Mother so far.

Camden is (finally) napping! So I am taking a moment of *me* time to write a little bit and reflect.
I had a friend the other day mention that she had heard life with a newborn was busy, but wondered what you do all day with a baby that little besides feed and change him. So I started to think about what being a mother to a newborn means, at least as far as almost three weeks of doing it has taught me [:
Here is what I have learned about my new life,
Being a mother to my newborn baby boy means:
 Putting him down for his morning cat-nap and getting excited about all I'm going to be able to get done. I will get to eat breakfast, straighten up a bit, and maybe today just maybe I'll make it to fully dressed before he cries.
It means occasionally hearing him cry at night and wondering maybe he will go back to sleep. Maybe I don't have to feed him JUST yet. 
It means sometimes struggling to stay awake while you breastfeed.
It means being spit up on, sometimes puked on, and sadly yes sometimes peed on.
It means that sometimes you have to clean their diaper in the middle of the night, or fully change their outfit because its soaked in pee all while they cry because they are cold and/or hungry but you know that it has to be done.
Sometimes it means opening his diaper and quickly closing it back up so he doesn't pee all over the room.
It means that when your house is clean and the baby is happy you sit down and feel like super woman.
Sometimes it means that you get frustrated and you feel bad that you could get frustrated and someone so little and so helpless.
But despite all of that, despite maybe not being able to spend an hour getting ready, despite having to change your shirt a couple times a day because of something he got on it, despite being needed pretty much 24/7 its so much more.
It means that regardless how much he cried or spit up or struggled to get rid of an air bubble that day I still stare at him when I put him down to sleep and wonder how I made something so cute.
It means that when he sleeps I still have to go check on him multiple times to make sure he's okay.
It means that when I was in pain and had to go to the doctor because of my placenta all I could think about was that Camden was with someone else and I might miss him take his first bottle. (I didn't!).
It means seeing his cheeks get a little chubby makes me both happy and sad. Happy because he's healthy, sad because he's growing too fast for me.
It means that even when I get up at 3am or 5am to feed him and I'm dead tired I still watch him eat and wonder how I got so blessed to be able to be what he needs.
It means that those little smiles, even if they ARE just gas, mean the world to me.
It means his wide eyed stare when I talk to him melts my heart.
It means that the two single mothers I know are now super women in my eyes. They have a hard job, and both are rock stars at it. 
It means that, yes, its an adjustment. And yes I do spend most of my day feeding and changing my little boy.
But at the end of the day, I wouldn't have it any other way.