Thursday, October 3, 2013

A mini update

We are officially into fall now, and I'm pretty excited. Although Rexburg seems to have skipped on right to winter with the half rain half snow today and the below freezing temperatures at night!
But its okay because Camden looks so cute all bundled up.
Garth is doing well in school, he's pretty much gone from 8-5 everyday and at 6am working out.
We have been having fun as a family and Garth and I love learning more and more about our little boy. Although he doesn't feel so little anymore! Almost 10 whole pounds and such a long boy! He is outgrowing his newborn clothes in length, but not width. He needs some more chunk on his little body. But his chubby cheeks are quite adorable.
I love being home with Camden everyday and learning more about what he wants. I love that I'm learning to understand what each of his cries mean and I love being who he wants. He's a pretty adorable boy. So many smiles, especially in the mornings. I love his little smile that starts small and then fills his whole face. It makes me proud to be his momma.
Poor boy has some bad reflux, he has been hoarse, and throwing up for days ):
The saddest part is he still babbles and squeaks at me in his hoarse voice and he still smiles right after throwing up. It wakes him up at night because it seems to burn his throat. But he usually just puts himself back to sleep.
He had two doctor's appointments and an ultrasound. The ultrasound was just cautionary because meds weren't helping so they wanted to rule out a developmental issue. So yesterday at 11:45 I went to my 6 week appointment, and sadly I was told I need two more weeks of recovery and some medicine because I'm not healing correctly. Then I went home and fed Camden and got him ready for his appt. He was woken up and stripped down to his diaper to be weighed and he was so calm, first time he hasnt cried for that part--he hates being cold. Then we waited for the doctor, and then waited forever for them to make the ultrasound appointment for us after the appointment. By this time Camden was getting restless and hungry. I packed him up and drove to Teton radiology for his ultrasound, woke him up again and stripped him down again. He had to be hungry for the ultasound so they could see everything empty and then watch his stomach as he ate a bottle. I was anticipating a very fussy baby. He was such a champ. He just chilled while they rubbed his belly and he held my hands and stared at me. He did fill his diaper quite loudly too, but hey...hes a baby (:

Camden fits into our little family perfectly. I can't imagine our life without him now.
I never thought I would be that mom who wakes up at night and wonders if her baby is warm enough, but I am.
I never thought it could matter so much that my child's belly is full and he's growing.
I never thought a toothless smile could be so adorable!
He is learning to love being in the car, and walks! Which is happy because he used to HATE being in his car seat [:
I'm still learning how to do this mom business, but Camden is patient with me.
 I've had to learn to be very flexible in my schedule. To put the first things first and realize that the house can wait 20 more minutes until my baby is sleeping. Once he's asleep the race is on to get it all done! But I'm also SLOWLY learning that I need to take care of myself too, perhaps sometimes before I begin cleaning the house.

Funny moments from this week
Garth opening Camden's diaper and Camden instantly peeing on Garth like he planned it and was waiting.
Because Camden is hoarse he can't whine very well so he's developed a little yell. He will whine and then stop and give out his little squawk for a second. Its very cute, and very forceful.
Camden has been rolling from tummy to back for about a week now, he refuses to stay in tummy time and he cries until he gets on his back, then he is totally satisfied.
Having Grandma on speaker phone and Camden beaming and smiling through the whole conversation. He loves her [:
Camden likes to suck his wrist when we burp him. He has a little hickey on his arm now!

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