Friday, January 24, 2014

Tiny Update

As far as Camden and his new formula goes, he is doing great.
He still throws up all day long--but that's reflux and nothing will help it until he grows out of it.
(before I receive messages of advice, we've tried thickening feeds, medicine, hypoallergenic formula..we just give him zantac to minimize pain now nothing has made any difference)
The doctor said by this point we should see about a 30% improvement. It will take 4 weeks for the tissues of his stomach to totally heal so I should still see some big strides. Camden still has some days of unexplained crying and hard to soothe moments but his sleep is back on track! He's slept through the entire night (12 hours to be exact..) without eating the last 3 nights. He no longer has harsh wake ups where he wakes immediately crying, he now has more easy transitions. He's also napping longer shortest nap of the day is usually at least an hour and the others are 2-3 hours! Beauty. Besides all that I just enjoy knowing he's not uncomfortable all the time. Also, some have messaged me suggesting I don't stop breast feeding and that I continue just cut out the dairy, soy, whey, etc from my diet.
Stopping breastfeeding has been a hard choice, but the hardest part was Camden refusing to nurse. He won't do it. I have to supplement, and I have to pump in order for him to eat at all.
I made the decision that was best for both of us, even if it may not seem like it to some. I have been losing weight since I had him, and am close to lower than I've ever been since I was 18. Garth and I didn't feel that the stress of pumping all day, along with the stress of a very restricted diet and my already non-healthy self would be what was best.
We appreciate the opinions, but also appreciate the respect for our choices.

Today Camden has had it a little rough. He's been congested since thanksgiving break (most likely due to the allergy). Today his nose is really runny and full, but the mucus is soft and thin instead of gooey and thick like it has been. So its hard to tell if Camden has gotten a cold and that explains the nose or not, but the doctor believes his congestion is probably actually just finally breaking up now due to the new formula. So for the moment hes a little frustrated that he can't breathe and he blows snot bubbles when he cries .. also that evil mom sucks out his nose.. but he's on the mend! He's still going down easy at nap time.
Funny story, I've always known Camden loves his music. Its very soothing to him but he pays attention to it, we can't play music through nap time or he just lays there and listens without sleeping. So our routine is that we sit in the rocking chair and I sing this song I've sang to him since birth. (its a pioneer song). Its short, and he's always still wide awake when I'm done but its just to help him wind down. So then we put him in the crib and squeeze his little glow worm which glows and plays a song for 10 minutes. Camden sometimes falls asleep before it finishes but if not it turns off and he rolls over the other direction and just goes to sleep. So great right?
Well I've had a cold and so I've been humming that song at nap time. And Camden has been so unsettled while I rock and hum that I've eventually just taken to laying him in the crib and turning on his glow worm. Its been confusing! Well finally the other day I was humming away and he was squirming and fussing and I remembered I finally felt better and had my voice back so I started to really sing--instant peace. Camden settled right away, pushed his arms out to prop himself up off my shoulder, looked up at my face and smiled. The last couple of days now that I'm actually singing again our routine is perfect again! In fact generally when I start in on the song he pushes his body up looks at me and smiles before he rests his bed back down on my shoulder. Silly boy just doesn't like my humming I guess, he wants the real thing.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds a lot like symptoms my oldest had as a baby. Good for you guys for making the best decision for you and not worrying about what worked for everyone else. He looks like a very happy baby and is totally adorable. Enjoy all the moments, even the tired ones.
