Monday, October 8, 2012

Conference Weekend

Whoo this past week/weekend was long!
Last week Garth told me we were going to be going to Salt Lake for some important things that weekend and I politely informed in that if I was still drowning in homework he would be going without me. [;
Garth refuses to leave me for that long. He won't go sleep somewhere else without me by his side (even though he's flown me home to see my family without him...). But needless to say I still love him that much more for it.
So we made a compromise. I worked my butt off all week and told him that Thursday night I would pull an all nighter. If I got all my work done that night I would go, and if not then I tried real hard, and he had to go without me. He said deal and we smiled and went on our merry way.
Well let me tell you its quite difficult to pull an all nighter when you wake up at 3:15 am everyday. You're not used to staying up late. So Wednesday night I stayed up a little past midnight (that meant I'd been awake from 21 hours) doing all the homework I could. Then I stayed up Thursday night until about 2 sewing and woke at 3:15 for work. I did homework after class, and sewed for six hours. I still wasn't finished. SO I had to tell Garth I couldn't go.
But we worked it out that he went to the reunion with Kyle and Bailee and then rode back with them. And would go with me to Salt Lake the next day. That meant I got to sew all day again! I started sewing around 5pm and didn't stop until almost 1am. But by that time I was just pooped and frustrated that it wasn't going as fast as I wanted it to. Not too mention I was feeling like an old lady with my back all achey. Making cording is a tedious process, and I wanted everything to look perfect. SO from lack of sleep I decided that I just needed to go to bed and not ruin the dang things. So I went to bed at 1 pretty tired and woke up at 6. I got up and cleaned my house, packed, and drove with Garth to Logan. We watched conference (I passed out) and then drove to Salt Lake to see his dad for dinner. We drove back to Logan did homework due at midnight, painted pumpkins with his sister and her family, then got up the next day and watched the morning session, then drove home. It was lonnngggg.
We got home and turned on the second session and ate some delicious homemade creamy vegetable soup that I had made and watched the rest of conference. After, we took a long nap together. It was heavenly. Then it was on to homework we hadn't done for the weekend.
SO that was an interesting experience! But today I decided that I deserve a break [; probably not but I took one anyways.
After work and school I came home and ordered some pictures I've been meaning to get printed. Then I wandered walmart and the craft store for a while getting all the little things I keep thinking we need but forgetting to get. I went and bought my friend a birthday present and then I came home and took a long shower. I made pretzel dogs for dinner--weird I know but I had a craving. Garth and I went for a walk and took pictures in the fall leaves and I just enjoyed the day. We had to postpone the FHE i planned until tomorrow because he has an exam tomorrow that he's been studying for all day. We will do FHE after the stress of taking it is over.
I get to sleep in until 5 tomorrow so I'm just going to sew tonight (i SHOULD finish tonight fingers crossed!!) and I will clean my house in the morning after I do my Brit Lit reading.

The main lesson that I learned last week is that I just love being married to Garth so much. When you read about the week and all we did it probably doesn't sound very fun, but I honestly enjoyed it just because I love being with him so much. Thats the fun thing about being married. You're always with your best friend and you just get to enjoy even the smallest of moments because you're together. Garth makes me the happiest girl in the world and I feel complete being with him, even if it is just taking a Sunday nap. Sometimes we just sit at the table and do homework but him being there next to me just makes me smile.
I'm so grateful for him and all that he does for me. He's a dang hard worker and I'm so blessed to call him mine!

1 comment:

  1. 1. You are superwoman!
    2. I miss you
    3. I'm glad you're happy and well
