Monday, September 26, 2011

Love the Gospel.

    Answers to prayers come in such funny ways. Seems like when I'm praying about something I want right now and feel pressed for time, God wants to teach me patience. Then when I'm praying to love someone but willing to take little baby steps he hits me with a brick and makes me change immediately. Funny how that works. Glad he knows what he's doing, because I sure don't.

I have so much to do. HW. FHE planning. Honey moon. Storage Unit. Work. Center Pieces. Find a place to live in the winter..oh and try to have a social life. [:

Don't worry I'm starting on the homework right AFTER this. I just wanted to give a little snippet of my favooorriiiteeee talk from the Relief Society Conference, and tell you all I canNOT wait for conference this weekend. Not just to go see everyone in logan but also because I just LOVE conference. Yeah yeah yeah. [:

So Here it goes: Uchtdorf never ceases to make me cry.
He spoke about the flowers called "Forget me Nots" And how for every one of the 5 petals there is something we women shouldn't forget.
1. Forget not to be patient with yourself.
   Often we compare ourselves to others, usually we see our weaknesses and their strengths. We have to learn that one day we will be perfect, but TODAY we need to stop punishing ourselves.
2. Forget not the difference of good sacrifice vs. bad sacrifice
   Staying up late to prepare a talk is important. But MAYBE staying up late to hand stitch each sisters initial in handmade pot holders for your lesson isn't important lol
3. Forget not to be happy now.
   We tend to wait for our golden ticket, and we put our happiness on hold. Keep the righteous desires and wishes of your heart, but also remember to just stop and be happy.
4. Forget not the WHY of the gospel.
   Usually we know the how and the what, but we're promised that if we remember the WHY our lives will be enriched. He said the gospel is not an obligation, it is a pathway.
5. Forget not that the Lord Loves you


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