Thursday, May 9, 2013

Such is Life

I had the opportunity two weeks ago to visit my family in Colorado.
On the way to the airport we stopped and said goodbye to Kyle and Bailee who were packed up to make their move to arizona that same day. It was bitter sweet.

Garth stayed in Logan, Utah with his family and I headed to Colorado. My first day there I got to see my best friend get married in the Colorado Temple--it was wonderful.
I was lucky enough to have my mom as a date and I enjoyed the time we got to just talk and learn more about each others' current lives. I love her.
Then, Anna and my mom threw me the best baby shower ever. Everything was so cute! I loved seeing our baby boy getting so spoiled by people. Before the shower began I was kind of nervous. I always get nervous before events which I have to be the center of attention (those who were there early to my reception have witnessed this) so I spent time just hanging out with Paris as I waited for guests to arrive and start talking about my belly.
I was actually pretty excited to have a belly--I made sure to wear a dress that fitted it snugly and made its appearance known. 

A new semester has began, and Garth and I are already counting down the weeks to our freedom. [:
We began last Monday which was a little hectic being as we got back into town late Sunday night. If you read the previous post you know we had just cleaned our carpets and all our furniture was moved into the kitchen as a result--so we came home to a bit of a mess which was a bummer. BUT we survived Monday and got it all back to normal and had time to go get all our books as well as attend class. Since then its been go go go! I have completed two Novels, two novellas, 2 papers, and MANY short stories half of which are all in the genre of "realism". I. Am. Loving. It.
I am in American Lit, Senior Writing Seminar, Rhetorical Studies, two other writing classes, and (wait for it) .... YOUNG ADULT LIT. HAHA YAY! I know it sounds so easy but hear me out.
My whole college career I have done a lot of reading and writing--a lot. I cannot even remember the last time I read something that was simple and just enjoyable--something I chose to read. I've grown so accustomed to literature written by people who died 100's of years before I was born that I actually like that stuff too. I have studied wayyy to many anthologies, wayyy too much british literature, and WAY more poetry than I could even ever want to look at again. So I chose for my last semester a YA Lit class. There are 9 assigned books, and then we choose our own for the remaining 20 required. This makes for about 2-3 books a week in that class alone, but I AM LOVING IT. I have completed two great novels since last Thursday and I just love reading things that I choose, and things that are simple but great and rich! ANYWAYS.. now that you are bored I will move on.

This semester has been busy and each day I take a moment to think, man life just keeps buzzing forward! Garth is in 17 credits (crazy man) I am in 18. I will be reading roughly 4 books a week, and then my textbooks and writing and projects along in there somewhere. Garth will be in school for wayyyy too many hours a day due to his classes and labs--I think he's crazy. A bio major just shouldn't take that many credits in a semester there are too many labs included. But needless to say he is quite busy.
The good news for me is that one of my classes is a block course. This means it ends at midterms. Unfortunately it means each week I am doing two weeks worth of material in a week--but after midterms I will have more time--time to prepare for baby.

Despite our busy life I have been really happy. Last semester I was really sick and really tired. Part of that was just first trimester exhaustion, the other part was the days that I threw up all day.
I was in online classes so I spent a lot of time home alone just doing homework, and I was just a little down. I didn't feel like I was keeping the house clean enough, making elaborate enough dinners, getting "cute" enough each day--etc. I just basically used the energy I had to focus on school and somehow slide the other things in where I could.
I've been feeling a lot better, and I like getting out and attending my classes on campus. I keep laughing because I feel as though with my new found energy I am taking a "cease to be idle" to a new extreme. Before when I was sick, I would make dinner and stare at the dishes thinking about how I didn't have the energy or desire to clean up after myself. Now I'm amazed its like I've forgotten who I really am! I LOVE having a clean house, I just forgot how often I was willing to clean each day to keep it that way. Its as if I'm adjusting to having normal amounts of energy and health back. But I am enjoying the way life feels--much more fulfilling.I feel as though I am always accomplishing something, and I really really enjoy it, much better than how I was feeling a while ago.

Anyways, one last note. For a while I was getting self conscious. My body was changing, I wasn't looking pregnant I was just looking a little more "solid" I guess you could say "Pre-bump", I was sick, I was tired, and my clothes were uncomfortable. Now I know some women hate maternity clothes, some avoid them, some have pride in the fact they never have to wear them etc, but i've decided I love mine. I had gift cards to some places, and found sales at others, and my mom is an excellent shopper so she helped me find cute things. I LOVE wearing things that are comfortable but still attractive. Maternity clothes don't have to be a gross "mom" thing to do. And I like that these days I get excited to get ready and show off my bump. My clothes still look like they fit instead of them being baggy all over to fit my  bigger waist, and it just helps with this whole my stomach is getting larger and larger everyday and I still have to look in the mirror and love myself thing [:
So I just wanted to say I endorse them. And people should be more willing to try them out. DURING pregnancy of course. They are not just for people who want a comfortable pair of jeans [: 

Anyways. I guess  I just spent a lot of time talking about me. Just know I'm really, really enjoying life right now.

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