Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Finishing up my 2nd to last Semester!


  This semester is finally coming to an end, which means two things:
1. A ton of projects and tests + extreme lack of sleep for both Garth and I
2. One of us will get sick. Without fail, this is becoming our lovely trend haha.

This semester has been a good one. Its been stressful with being sick and missing classes, Garth's 3 jobs, etc--but we've found a lot of time to enjoy things so it hasn't been a negative experience.
Garth and I see each other more consistently than we ever have while being in school. When he officiates basketball games I go watch when I can so that we are together at night too.

For anyone who knows Garth, they know that he requires about 6 meals a day to be sufficiently full. We've tried many things. We pack left overs, snacks, huge meals--but he ends up eating it all after work at 7am for breakfast and then starves all day or caves and buys something from the cafeteria. I would have to be in the kitchen all day to truly fill this man to his capacity lol. Garth has discovered though that if he takes his bike, and comes home after work he can eat a big breakfast and get some things done before class. He then rides his bike back home for 2 hour lunch break and he's full! This makes me happy, because then we get to eat breakfast AND lunch AND dinner together everyday. Its actually been a huge blessing. And sometimes I get spoiled and he makes me eggs for breakfast and we actually sit down and enjoy a big meal before my 8am class. He frequently spoils me.

It's interesting to look back on just our first year of marriage and see how much we have grown together in even that short period of time. I know I personally have grown a lot as an individual. My trust for my husband has grown exponentially. We work so much more like a team than we did in the beginning. Not that we ever were at odds, we just understand our roles and each other so much more than we did before. I know so many women who have husbands who won't lift a finger, or won't try anything in the kitchen, or who play video games for hours--and hey whatever works for you works for you. I'm just grateful Garth and I are able to shift roles and responsibilities when necessary. If he has a test and a lot to do I know what roles to fill to help him out. If I have a paper or am overwhelmed Garth immediately offers to make dinner. We just work with each others schedules--I love it.

Its been interesting to watch people I know from high school or even people I meet up here on campus. The idea of companionship and even what a man or woman's role is has shifted so much. Sometimes my heart aches for how confused the world can be, and for how much people are missing out on. Yesterday I felt like facebook and the internet was blowing up with confusion and opinions. I literally couldn't sleep I felt so sick to my stomach. I'm grateful for the perspective Garth and I have been blessed with--and for the simplicity in our relationship and life together.

Plus Garth's just cute. There have been a few times he wakes at the night rolls over, looks at me, and thinking I'm asleep, sits up and makes sure I'm tucked in and all the blankets are pulled up over me before going back to sleep. I think its the cutest thing in the world!
I love him--and I want what we have for everyone I know. 
He also felt the baby again and got extremely excited. He put his hand on my stomach just for a second and the baby kicked pretty hard twice. He immediately jumped up and said "I FELT IT! THAT TIME WAS SO MUCH HARDER THAN LAST TIME!!" I just laughed and him kind of shocked by how excited he was, and he just kept telling me, "BABE I FELT IT! I FELT IT!"
haha--its the little things [:

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